Yo quierro compartir me experiencias con Ustedes!
It has been a pretty crazy week! We have 7 investigators, and 2 more that we only teach 2 times a week! By the way, I figured I might need to tell you guys I'm not on the Main MTC campus! I'm at a different place! Sorry....totally forgot about that! We have been doing HSI, or Speak Your Language every day all day! It has been so wonderful!!!!!
The Lord has really taught me a lot about tender mercies! Whether it is just getting a Letter from somebody, or read a scripture, or something reminds me of why I am here. The best part of being here is just being able to teach investigators and bring happiness to people! There is something called TRC, where we get to teach real investigators, or new converts. This woman's name was Hermana Romero, and she was talking about how she isn't super "experienced" in the church, and she was embarassed that sometimes she had to watch videos in order to understand the Scriptures. In my brain I was freakin out! I wanted to scream out "Hermana! We are CHILDREN of God! We aren't grown ups! God is the only grown up! Don't you dare feel bad for not knowing everything!" But I didn't say that.. I held back! But as me and my companions explained to her that NOBODY knows everything about the Church, she got tears in her eyes. And it was so awesome as I shared and testified to her, that the point was, God is so happy she was just trying! That as long as she was doing her best, God was so proud of her, I know the Spirit was testifying. The Spirit does that everyday for me. My favorite companion. There are such random times, and I think depending on the Lord, isn't really understood, until you get put in a situation where you have no idea what to do, and you just pray, and the Lord helps you.
We are always busy, with class, idioma (language), personal study, and studying and preparing for our different things, sometimes taking a break. Praying. It is so helpful! I know that with the help of the Lord, everything is so possible. How could it not be?! Also, Dad would be proud of me....I fell asleep on my knees three times this week. After praying, I just like to sit and listen, and then I sack. haha! My knees hurt so bad this whole week. It was so great! Also, pictures, SO AMAZING. I love just looking at them! I know. It has only been like a month, but we do things all day, sometimes at night it is like "oh wait, I have a family?" haha! I got our whole district to do a FHE in the CCM (Family Home Evening in the MTC). We all shared pics, and I think it was real good for some of the kids, they chilled out a little bit after that. People here are sometimes wound way to tight. But we fix that right up:) No worries! I think things here are awesome, but really, I'M SO STOKED FOR MEXICO. It just seems cramped here! I'm ready to be out, doing things! Teaching people a message of wonderful hope and love. I am really crazy excited! You don't even know! And I found out 2 areas have washing machines...that's chill!
I just wanted to say thanks for everything! From everyone, but especially my family! I love you so much! And I got letters! I responded! But it is in mail! Love you so much! If you have questions, let me know! I hope this isn't too boring for you, but it is my life! Hope everything is good and everyone is safe! Loved hearing from you! Love. Amor. Wonderful:)
Love you!!!
Elder Lincoln Goodman!
Leaving for Guadalajara on MONDAY!!! Looks like Elder Goodman got his backpack :)
So Typical...
" I drew on Elder Swenson's face...he fell asleep during study time. that is what happens!" (Notice the tape and JaKelle bracelet, never without)
His companions
"apparently the temple sky was cool...idk...but I took a pic anyway." (Lincoln can't see the color, but knows the beauty just the same....good picture, Elder Goodman!)
Having too much fun!!
This made me laugh, still has tape on his finger... old habits :)