You will be happy to know there IS something knew and exciting. I got transfered. hahahahahaha! Today I traveled to Guzman(in Jalisco)....a new place with new people:) So that is why I am responding a little late...and not very much....but this last week, was great. A wonderful week to tell you the truth. We talked about love. Sometimes as missionaries, at least for me, after a time, I fall into a rhythm...a way of doing the same things or asking the same questions. It doesn't happen all the time, but on occasion. I share many of the same things, the same principles...but the difference in every lesson is the love we have for the person.
We have been talking about the doctrine of Christ, of how to be better representatives of Him. With that study, what has come to my mind is, how many people understand the love the Lord has for them? How many people understand that their Heavenly Father LOVES them unconditionally? How many people have felt that love? Of the 7 billion million trillion people here...I am sure very few. At least the percentage is very low. It has changed my desire to share, once again, the wonderful message we bring to anyone and everyone:)
This week, there are two things I loved and I just wanted to share them real fast.
1. That the Lord, doesn't have to SAY I love you, so that we know... He shows it. He helps us FEEL it. He helps us little by little, understand the infinite love He has for us. The more we look for it, the more He gives.
2. That if my first priority is the Lord, and I love him with all my heart might mind and strength, I will in turn, learn how He loves me.
I have seen those changes this week. I have seen them in me, in my companion, in investigators, in less actives members... and it has changed everything.
As we shared with L... the love the Lord has for her, she decided to become more like Him. She is more reverent. She is an example. She is starting to study. She loves Him and she is understanding the love He has for her.
As we saw little C... get baptized, she felt that same love. She came out of the water smiling like crazy because she FELT the love the Lord has for her.
And my favorite, was a brother named G.... He got baptized this week, and he understood that love, the love our Savior has for him. That is why he changed. That is why he has become a disciple of Christ and decided to follow his example, because he loves his Father above.
I know this is short. I am sorry...but I want you to know how much I love you. I love each of you so much-- Mom, Dad, Faye, Ash, Dai, and Liz--but, I love my Father more. What I do is for Him. I live for Him and I love Him. That love will never die.
I hope you have a great week. That this could help just a little bit....maybe not:/ hahahahaha!
love you tons!
Elder Goodman!
Our zone...