This week, has been great. I will try to update you guys in the best way.
This week, I decided to do something. That is, apply what I learned with Preach my Gospel, our book we use 100xs a day.
The phrase today:“True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior. The study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior.”
I think, finally, our investigators, our recent converts, our less actives, and of course I, understood this a little better this week.
First, with J.... --He just got baptized and he is learning to apply this quote. He has had a hard time with all the "rules" (commandments) of the Lord. But with time he understood the importance of obedience and also, of sharing what he knew. This week, he brought a friend to church. He was showing him all the cool things and told him of the standards we live. The friend asked, "Isn't that a lot to worry about? A lot of commandments?". J...said, "I obey the commandments because I want blessings. More commandments, more obedience, more blessings. So no, I think it is something to be GRATEFUL about." (almost direct translation.) It was great to see him change, and understand how important it was to share the gospel... and LIVE IT.
Another example... we have Sister R.... She is passing through some hard times and struggles with smoking. We told her about the Word of Wisdom. She has been trying a long time to change, but this week, she finally realized the WHY. She understood after a special lesson that it wasn't for her, or for baptism. It was for her daughter and more importantly the Lord. It was sweet to see her face as she understood that part, and as she gained faith that she COULD change,and that she finally understood the doctrine of WHY.
And then, the members. SUPER POWERFUL this week. We have opened a new building this last week, and we had a "pre-open house." The members of the stake hammered hard core the missionary work in every way they could. They were inviting taxi drivers, workers, friends, and family. They were so proud and excited to show this church and the happiness it brings to everyone, and they showed it with their actions. We were giving tours and we saw so many people changing, seeing the message we really bring and what we really do. They understood this week, that we are all a family and what that means, that it is worth it to bring one brother or sister to the Gospel.
The point, was that the study of the Gospel, changes behavior. And really, in every part of this, I have seen that. For me, of course, it has changed WHO I AM... every day, little by little, and that is the point. The Gospel works within and when we understand something, and we really apply it, then we change and become more like Christ. I love that principle. I love learning line upon line, precept upon precept. And I really know, that THAT is how the Gospel works. Not jumps and leaps, but little by little, step by step... I love it! I was excited to see these changes, but I am more excited about the week to come. I hope you all have a wonderful week. I love you all so much. Enjoy every minute of studying the Doctrine of the Gospel this week:)
Elder Goodman!!!!!!!